Etwinning Project
& Comenius Multilateral
We Europeans: knowing each other for living together
Project Coordinator:
João fernandes (
The project, titled “We Europeans: knowing each other for living together”, was born because, for some years, lots of foreign students have been attending our schools. For this reason our schools must be able to preserve their own national-cultural identity, but they must also have an intercultural and supernational dimension. In such a multiethnic and multiratial reality we as teachers must promote education and all those processes leading both the integration of foreign students and to multiculturality The project wants to be a deepening course about intercultural education and in some work-groups from the various school partners are involved. The class groups, working on their own, with other classes, in small groups, will have a meaningful experience of knowledge and comparison, so that you can reduce prejudices and stereotypes, open to multiculturality and develop the spirit of solidarity. At the moment Europe is changing very quickly; the European Union is opening to new Eastern countries, therefore we must take into account a formation which brings the diversities out; learns to respect the different points of views, a formation leading to comprehension and accepting the others. Through this formation the pupils must develop the culture of respect and the awareness of dignity and of the value of every human being.
Promote the intercultural dimension of learning ´
• Promote the mobility and approach of teachers and students from the E.U. in order to contribute to a better quality of their aptitudes
• Promote information and experience interchange so that the diversity of educational systems change into a source of enrichment
• Involve both students and teachers in the accomplishment of diversified pedagogical activities
• Promote the creation and exchange of didactic material among all the teachers
• Create materials and ensure that they are fit to help the teachers to deepen the European dimension of teaching
• Promote the exchange of information and the integration of disabled students
• Contribute an effective improvement of the Europeans languages and culture from the participants (teachers and students)
• Create and spread methods against exclusion and school failure
• To recognize and to pass stereotypes being conscious of the other points of view and of the possibility to change one’s opinion
To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between schools in different Member States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational activities during the period of the programme.