

Comenius Multilateral

Folktales as a means of cultural connection and

 interaction of peoples across Europe


Project Coordinator:
João Fernandes (

The importance of nature related characters such as fairies, elves, sprites, gobblins, trolls... in the imaginary of children; * Animals and their role in stories and legends; *Heroes as symbols of nations 
1. Creating a site for the project.
2.Getting to know the legend of each participating town's formation. (creating a booklet with the several stories; story-telling; acting...);
3.Connecting the legend to factual history (getting to know the peoples who came into the scene and their movements across the land); 
4. What is the appearance of mystic creatures such as fairies, elves, sprites, gobblins, trolls... (contest - design a mystic creature and its features); 
5.Creating specific music for a specific kind of creature (contest ). 
6.What if these creatures appeared in our world, today? (drama contest and final meeting of teachers and students)

The importance of nature related characters such as fairies, elves, sprites, gobblins, trolls... in the imaginary of children; Animals and their role in stories and legends; Heroes as symbols of nations

Cultural, historical and geographical discovery; Multi-cultural awareness and acceptance; Imagination and creativity development